
Eleven plants to keep mosquitoes at bay

Möchtest Du Mücken aus Deinem Garten, Deiner Terrasse oder Deinem Haus vertreiben? Vergiss die chemischen Mückenschutzmittel. Es gibt viele Pflanzenarten, die diese Plagegeister auf natürliche Weise abschrecken und gleichzeitig Deinen Garten begrünen. Bleibe das ganze Jahr über stichfrei!

2. Peppermint

Insects don’t like the smell of mint. And mosquitoes hate peppermint most of all. Perfect in a container on the terrace, as part of a green wall, or in a pot on a window ledge. And the added bonus? Its edible leaves can be used to soothe insect bites.

4. Basil

Calling all city gardeners! Ideal for a kitchen window ledge or a small balcony, basil is the number one weapon against mosquitoes in urban environments. Some varieties such as lemon basil and cinnamon basil are even more effective.

6. Marigold

This annual plant is as attractive as it is effective against pests. It contains pyrethrin, which is used in commercial repellents. The colorful flowers are ideal for prettying up your beds and borders.

8. Rosemary

This aromatic mosquito repellent flourishes in well-drained soil and full sunlight, preferably under a window or at the foot of a wall to create a barrier to insects. A handy tip? Dry a few sprigs and use them to ward off mosquitoes inside the house.

10. Savory

Savory has flowers that give off a repulsive odor. Like peppermint, its leaves can be used to soothe insect bites.

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